Purpleheart Wood Flooring

Amaranth Peltogyne spp.

Sample is 3/4-by-2-1/4-inch square-edge solid strip.
Top portion is finished with water-base urethane;
bottom with oil-modified polyurethane.



Color: Heartwood is brown when freshly cut, turning deep purple to purplish brown over time. Sapwood is a lighter cream color.
Grain: Usually straight; medium to fine texture.
Variations Within Species And Grades: Moderate to high color variation.


Hardness/Janka: 1860, 44% harder than Northern red oak.
Dimensional Stability: Excellent (change coefficient .00212; 43% more stable than red oak).
Durability: Very strong and dense.



Sawing/Machining: Moderately difficult due to hardness; frequent sharpening of tools required; slow feed rate and carbine tooling recommended.
Sanding: Sands satisfactorily.
Nailing: Good holding ability.
Finishing: Takes finishes well; some have found that water-based finishes hold color better.

Comments: Heartwood is very resistant to dry-wood termites. Presence of minerals in some boards may cause uneven coloration.


(relative to plainsawn select red oak)
Multiplier: 2.30

