Curmaru Wood Flooring

Sample is 3/4-by-2 1/4-inch square-edge solid strip.
Top portion is finished with water-base urethane;
bottom with oil-modified polyurethane.



Color: At first, red-brown or purple-brown with light yellow-brown or purple streaks, after exposure uniform light brown or yellow-brown.
Grain: Fine texture, interlocked, waxy or oily feel.
Variations Within Species And Grades: Dramatic shading that mellows as the floors matures.


Hardness/Janka: 3540; 174% harder than Northern red oak
Dimensional Stability: Average (7.6; 7% more stable than red oak).



Sawing/Machining: Works well, but is very hard – use carbide blades and bits.
Sanding: Difficult. Scratches are easily seen – each sanding
Suggested Sequence:
First Cut: 36 or 40
Second Cu: 50 or 60
Third Cut: 80
Hard Plate: 100
Screen: 80, then 100
Nailing: Predrilling and hand-nailing is preferred.
Finishing: Test all products before using them on the actual floor. Oil-modified finishes may not dry if standard procedures are followed. Moisture-cure urethane, conversion varnish, or water base finishes are generally more successful.
Comments: Has been known to cause contact dermatitis.




Moderately available.